The recent period of inactivity and isolation has been unprecedented, causing ripple effects acrossWoman with grey hair in blue Broda wheelchair our communities. Especially overlooked were senior citizens and long-term care residents – already a vulnerable population. Mobilization and specialized seating solutions can create a more comfortable environment for our seniors.

As the threat of infectious disease diminishes and the world re-opens, it is more important than ever to get reacquainted with our social environments.

Remobilization: Time for Mobilization

Unquestionably, it’s essential for the human body to maintain physical movement. In the long run, extended periods of sedentary time can lower a person’s quality of life. This is especially true for senior living residents and for those in long-term care, who often rely on assistive devices and caregivers to remain mobile.

Activities such as socializing, enjoying one’s environment, and performing daily activities are key markers for an individual’s quality of life. On the other hand, being permanently bed-bound or furniture-bound creates a state of inactivity that is detrimental to one’s physical and mental health.

A study found that on average, older, hospitalized patients spent most of their time lying in bed, despite an ability to walk independently.1 Those who are confined to seating or beds for extended periods experience common, compounding effects such as frailty and falls.1-5 Furthermore, this can be exacerbated with psychological effects caused by the spiral of physical degeneration. While in a sedentary care setting, individuals become discouraged at their declining ability to perform basic functions such as mobilization.

The Positive Effects of Mobilization

On the positive side, the benefits of mobilization are undeniable. The ability to ambulate or self-propel, even with the help of assisted devices such as walkers, rollators, or manual wheelchairs, can make a significant impact. Getting out of bed on one’s own, or via an assisted transfer from a caregiver, opens a healthy world of possibility. The basics activities of daily living (ADLs) – the benchmark for quality of life – become attainable. With the right mobility assistance, individuals can participate in ADLs such as personal hygiene, bathing / showering, dressing, eating, toileting, and transferring to and from beds or seats.Woman in purple shirt sitting in orange Broda pedal wheelchair

Being up out of bed is the first step in living a full life, even if it takes a little bit of assistance. Quality mobilization equipment not only gives the user enhanced independence but also reduces the burden on caregivers. Patients who did not use any assistive devices required an average of four additional hours of personal care per week, compared to individuals who did employ the devices.6

Choosing the Right Mobilization Solution

Most importantly, when you are choosing a mobility device, ensure that the equipment is prescribed and evaluated by a professional. A qualified clinician will understand the importance of using durable equipment that fits the user’s unique needs. Any mismatch between the true needs and the equipment’s capabilities can not only lead to a setback in mobility, but can also cause poor posture, pain, fatigue, pressure injuries, or falls.7-9

Another key point to a high quality of life is to help those with limited mobility to venture out of their homes and care facilities, expanding their access to the greater world. When leaving a care facility or home in a wheelchair or mobility device, it is important to make sure that the equipment is properly configured for the rugged outdoors. Essential features include proper wheels, a durable frame, and ergonomic propulsion. These, among other factors, maintain safe mobility over bumpy sidewalks, curbs, streets, and ramps. If the equipment is not geared for the task, then small obstacles can become insurmountable barriers. Furthermore, the wrong mobilization equipment puts the user or their caregivers at risk for strain or injury.

Wheelchair Transportation Safety

In the same way, traveling in a motor vehicle without safe seating can also be a hazard. In this situation, wheelchair users need to ensure that the van or bus is wheelchair accessible and that the transport operators are properly trained. Firstly, the user will need to be able to get into the vehicle safely with their wheelchair. Next, the wheelchair itself needs to be transportation compliant and able to be properly secured. The Wheelchair Transportation Safety Standards set by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) are leading the way in ensuring proper safety. Wheelchairs and their securements adherent to this standard are rigorously crash tested to confirm that the wheelchair occupant is as safe as the other riders. To summarize, a list of WTS approved wheelchairs and securements can be found here on the UMTRI site.

Whether a patient has a chronic illness, is in rehabilitation for an injury, or is recovering from a procedure, maintaining mobility is critical. Physical activity promotes benefits such as circulation, heart health, mental wellbeing, and more. As a matter of fact, these benefits can improve patient outcomes, shrink recovery time, and reduce the overall costs of treatment. Maintaining mobility can also reduce inflammation and oxidative damage, which can speed wound healing.10-11

Resocialization: Time to Reconnect

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many heartbreaking stories of seniors being isolated from their friends and families for extended periods. As a result, the critical role of social integrations in achieving mental and physical health has been brought to light.

Even before the pandemic, almost a quarter of individuals over 65 years old are considered socially isolated.12 The prevalence of isolation and severe loneliness living in long-term care facilities is at least double that of those living independently in our communities.13 Social isolation has detrimental consequences. It increases the risk of depression, suicide, anxiety, aggression, dementia, stroke, obesity, elevated blood pressure, and mortality.12, 14 Most of these long-term care facilities are remotely located, which exacerbates these risks, making it difficult for residents to stay socially connected to friends and family.15 

How Can Caregivers Address Isolation Issues?

Caregivers and long-term care facilities should take many steps to engage seniors in activities of daily living (ADLs) and other extracurricular activities. First, caregivers must consider expanding the opportunities for mobility and physical engagement. Are your residents confined to uncomfortable seating for most of the day? Do they spend most of the day in bed, separated from others? If you answer “yes” to either of these questions, then consider that your patients are missing crucial health benefits and are lacking mental and physical stimulation. It’s important to realize that the proper mobility and seating equipment can make a world of difference in a senior’s quality of life.

The proper equipment not only improves mental health, but also increases comfort during daily living activities as well. Without proper, ergonomic seating, simple activities like brushing teeth, sitting upright long enough for a meal, going to the restroom, or taking a bath can be challenging. Ergonomics supports proper posture and safe mobility. Furthermore, it helps the user engage with people and the environment eye to eye.

Finding the Right Mobilization Equipment

A positioning device is an excellent solution to help the wheelchair user feel more comfortable while seated. Decision makers should be aware, however, that not all positioning chairs are created equally. Some tilting, reclining, or positioning devices prevent occupants from self-propelling. Some even force the occupant to look at the ceiling, instead of straight ahead.

Given these points, a positioning chair from Broda can help these individuals regain their comfort, mobility, and social engagement. The right seating also gives the occupant independence and dignity, along with physical and mental engagement.

Finding the Right Solutions: Broda Chairs & Wheelchairs

Man in green shirt in orange Broda wheelchair tiltedWhen using mobility solutions from Broda, seniors in long-term care can engage with their neighbors and friends. We design our wheelchairs in the hope that they will allow people to engage in the facility-run activities and communicate their other health symptoms better to caregivers. Our selection of top-quality wheelchairs make it easier than ever before to ensure that your patients are physically, mentally, and socially stimulated, allowing for a wide range of improved health outcomes.

As the world “goes back to normal” for seniors and those in long-term care, the issues of mobility and social isolation are not going away. On the contrary, both mobility and social isolation are ongoing challenges that must be regularly addressed. Whether you are a caregiver, a long-term care facility leader, a loved one, or a member of the community, it’s our responsibility to make sure they our seniors receive the best seating and mobility equipment available. In spite of the challenges, let’s help seniors stay comfortable and improve their quality of life. To that end, Broda is fighting against the stigma and negative effects of social isolation and diminished mobility.


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