In 2023, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation published a study that noted that over one in five adults without vehicles or public transit access admitted they skipped necessary healthcare appointments because they didn’t have transportation. This statistic means hundreds of thousands of people miss out on essential medical treatment that could improve their health every year. 

Those with Medicare often wonder if their insurance will cover transportation to medical appointments. Learn if Medicare covers NEMT services and how Traversa wheelchairs can make the process easier. 

What is NEMT?

NEMT, or non-emergency medical transportation, is a service offered to patients who need transportation to hospitals or clinics but are not in conditions severe enough to warrant an ambulance. These vehicles, typically vans, have accommodations for patients in wheelchairs or who need extra assistance getting in and out.

Representation of a caretaker guiding a passenger up a wheelchair accessible ramp

Does Medicare Cover Medical Transportation?

Medicare may cover non-emergency transportation in some cases. For Medicare to cover the expense of NEMT, a patient will need their doctor to give a written order declaring the medical necessity of the transportation. Doctors can issue a written order for serious medical conditions that require frequent visits, like dialysis appointments or physical therapy.

Even if your doctor gives you a written order, you should still contact Medicare to confirm they will cover the service. A written order is not a guarantee, so contacting the company directly is the best solution.

What Types of Transportation Does Medicare Cover?

Medicare covers transportation in emergency situations. Whether in an ambulance or helicopter, urgent transportation services are covered because they’re considered life-saving.

Medicare may cover transportation if a doctor orders it, explaining that it is necessary for the client.

Doctor writing a note in patient file

Doctors are likely to give a written order if:

  • Patients can’t drive themselves because of a disability or chronic illness
  • Patients live in areas that lack public transportation sources or options for private transportation
  • Patients cannot afford common transportation services

Do Medicare Advantage Plans Offer Transportation Assistance?

Private companies that contract with medicare offer Medicare Advantage plans. These plans often include extra benefits that a traditional Medicare plan doesn’t. 

With a Medicare Advantage plan, patients may have additional transportation benefits that cover getting them to and from appointments. The type of transportation covered on a plan differs between coverage levels and providers. You must contact your insurance provider and ask about NEMT Medicare services to better understand your benefits.

a man in a wheelchair sitting at a table while on the phone and using his computer

How to Become a Medicare or Medicaid Transporter

Providing NEMT services can offer vital access to transportation to those who can’t get to and from medical appointments on their own. In order to begin working in this role, you must follow a series of steps:

  1. Obtain the Required Permits and Licenses: You must secure any necessary permits and licenses to provide NEMT, and the exact requirements differ from state to state. Some states require NEMT drivers to hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL).
  2. Get the Necessary Insurance: Medicare requires drivers to carry insurance. In some states, NEMT drivers also need some medical experience or knowledge.
  3. Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The ADA requires a vehicle used for NEMT to accommodate disabled passengers with ramps, wheelchair lifts, sufficient space, and wide entry points.
  4. Comply with Other Regulations: Some states require drivers to comply with HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards.
  5. Submit an Application: An NEMT driver must often undergo a general background check and demonstrate reliability.
  6. Advertise and Network: Establish good connections with medical professionals so they will recommend your services to patients. 
  7. Implement NEMT Software: This type of specialized system can help you manage dispatch, money transfers, and even directions.
NEMT driver smiling from the driver's seat

Improve Your NEMT Bottom Line with the Traversa

NEMT drivers need the best tools to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of patients. When patients rely on wheelchairs or need extra assistance walking, the burden often falls on the drivers to lift, carry, or perform other strenuous tasks to help their passengers. 

Drivers need the best equipment to make the process as easy as possible. Traversa chairs can make any transportation process more accessible. The Traversa wheelchair is specifically designed for NEMT providers to improve the experience for both drivers and passengers. It can replace a cumbersome stretcher, offering comfort and mobility.

Benefits of Traversa Wheelchairs

Using an adjustable Traversa chair has many benefits:

  • Height-Adjustable: With adjustable height controls, the chair can easily be raised or lowered to reach exam equipment and make it easier for patients to get in or out.
  • Strength: These chairs are incredibly sturdy and can accommodate passengers weighing up to 450 pounds.
  • Size Adjustable: With adjustable sides, the chair can fit any patient and provide a comfortable individualized seat.
  • Compact and Streamlined: The Traversa chair design easily fits through small spaces.
  • Easy to Maneuver: With its state-of-the-art design, this chair can use its Pivot Assist System™ to swivel 360 degrees and to move sideways effortlessly.  
  • No Lifting Required: Optional rollboard technology allows transporters to help passengers get in or out of the wheelchair without having to physically lift them.
  • Adjustable Seating Positions: The chair’s adjustable features allow patients to sit upright, recline, or even lay flat completely for improved comfort and ease of transport.
GIF of the Traversa Transport Wheelchair by Broda

Get Your Own Traversa Chair Today

In some circumstances, Medicare will cover NEMT services. As an NEMT driver, you can take advantage of this coverage and secure payment from patients who are on Medicare. Traversa chairs will make the transportation process easier for both passengers and drivers. 

With a Traversa chair, you won’t have to worry about lifting passengers or trying to accommodate them. The chair does all the heavy lifting and work, so you can focus on transporting patients to and from medical facilities safely.

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Get a Traversa to provide NEMT services and experience the difference for yourself.

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Meet the Author

Jaycee Morrill


Jaycee, with a Bachelor's in User Experience Design and 6+ years in marketing, specializes in outreach for non-profits, hospitality, and franchising industries. She offers insight on maximizing the value of MITY Inc. products.